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Secret and Simple Tips on How to Make Flowers Last Longer

Flowers are a common gift for any of life’s special occasions and even the moments in between. A bouquet of bright blooms can bring cheer to any space and leave a lasting impression, even after they’re gone. 

The sad truth is that flower bouquets don’t last forever. On the bright side, there are guidelines and little known tips you can use to ensure the longevity of your flowers. We are uncovering everything you need to know about how to make flowers last longer and even putting a few theories to the test.

Whether you’ve received an anniversary arrangement, a graduation bouquet or picked out a gorgeous bunch for the coffee table, you’ll want to enjoy them for as long as possible.

Fresh flowers have always been cherished symbols of affection, celebration, and appreciation. 

They effortlessly transform any space into a welcoming oasis. However, there's one tiny challenge – flowers don't stay in full bloom indefinitely, especially once they're cut and arranged in a vase. 

But fear not! We've got you covered with trusted tips to extend the lifespan of your flower arrangements. Say goodbye to wilted messes and embrace the gift that keeps on giving. Here's how to make flowers last longer and revive their fading glory.

How to make flowers last longer :

  • - Always cut your stems at an angle before you put them in water. This increases the surface area of the stem that can absorb water. 
  • - Pick off any leaves on the lower part of the stems that might touch the water inside the vase. This helps prevent bacteria from growing on them. Bacteria can block the xylem vessels in the stems of cut flowers, which prevents them from absorbing water and nutrients.
  • - Fill your vase with fresh, clean, lukewarm water.
  • - Add a dash of bleach to the water. Bleach will inhibit the growth of bacteria. If you’re of age, you can substitute vodka for bleach for the same effect.
  • - Add a pinch of sugar to provide the flowers with nutrients.  Since they no longer receive nutrients from the soil, sugar acts as an energy source for the flowers and keeps their cells from wilting. Clear lemon-lime soda works well as a replacement for granulated sugar.
  • - Refresh the water every couple of days or if it starts to look cloudy to prevent bacteria from growing.

How to revive wilted flowers :

  • - Empty and wash your vessel with soap and water. 
  • - Replace the water in your vessel with fresh, lukewarm water to avoid further wilting.
  • - Before placing your flowers back in your vessel, wash and cut the stems again to keep bacteria at bay.
  • - Remove any decaying stems before returning the arrangement to the vessel. This will prevent them from passing harmful bacteria onto the other stems. Pluck decaying stems from your arrangement regularly to extend the life of the flourishing stems. 
  • - Add a pinch of sugar to the fresh water. The food boost can help the flowers perk back up.
  • - Add a drop of bleach to the fresh water. This will help kill any remaining bacteria that linger.
  • - Keep the flowers in a cool, dark place. Direct sunlight and heat can cause flowers to wilt further. 
  • - Avoid placing flowers near fruits or vegetables. Fruits and vegetables release ethylene gas, which can speed up the wilting process.

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